There are so many reasons to love the Barney Miller Christmas episodes - we have two of them on tape and always re-watch them this time of year. "Christmas Story" is so heartwarming; Fish's "heh, heh" when he imagines people beating up Santa is a masterpiece of comic timing, and the whole plot with Yemana dating the prostitute is really sweet. (Hey, I didn't say it was *wholesome*!)
And then there's "Toys," which has such a splendidly slashy moment (and it's NOT between Harris and Dietrich, although they get some adorable bickering in). Barney and his estranged wife Liz are going over cancelled checks:
"What's this one?" Liz asks. "Mariani's for $36?"
"It's that nice Italian cafe on 23rd street," Barney says. "Dinner for two."
"Oh," says Liz, significantly.
"Inspector Luger," Barney confides. "He's had his eye on me for years."
Hee hee!
There's another Christmas episode that I've seen, "Homeless," but I don't have it on tape, and it's not on YouTube. Alas!