Because I love icons!

Nov 28, 2008 10:50


gblvr made this for me when I first got onto LJ. You can probably guess my major fandom at the time.



The movie meme, plus recent discussions with some of my Tin Man peeps reminded me of one of my favorite movies EVAR and I just had to make an icon. Actually, four.


I don't really have a sad icon, per se, but this is one I use (sometimes) when other people are sad.

This one wasn't meant to be sad, but it's sorta melancholy.





Artemus Gordon from The Wild Wild West



Alan Cumming (who plays Glitch in Tin Man) as Boris, the adorably evil Russian computer expert, in Goldeneye.



Well, in a vicious kind of way. That's Ebenezer, the smart cat, from Two Lumps.


The keyword for this one is "Darth Grader."


Favourite Ship

Cain and Glitch from Tin Man. (Yes, slashmommy, I finally have a pairing in which neither character is named Dietrich!)

Harris and Dietrich from Barney Miller.

Moffitt and Dietrich from Rat Patrol.

Favourite Fandom

Pervy Tin Man fancier, that's me. (What, did you think the icon was meant to suggest that Glitch--shame on you!) (you're right)


Icon used the most...

I'm honestly not sure! I like using this one to express warm feelings:


Favourite at the moment...


Favourite overall

Oh, that's hard. Can I pick three four?

We used to recite this in Japanese before every formal lesson at the dojo. I still try to remember it as a principle to live by.

Lawrence-of-Arabia Moffitt is hotness personified. *swoon*

Pretty Alton is pretty.

The fourth would be the "can't remember/can't forget" Tin Man icon above.


How many icons do you have total? 122

How many can you have? 124 - uh-oh!

If you could buy space for more, would you? Yes, OMG, YES!

Do your icons make a statement about you? I'm an absent-minded ninja and longtime fan of obscure TV shows who is obsessed with ancient languages, fractals, cats, and slash?

What fandom do you have the most icons of? That would be Tin Man

The second most? I'd have to count ... I have somewhere between four and eight each of Rat Patrol, SPQR Blues, Barney Miller, Friends, Doctor Who, and Court Jester. I have three each from Wild Wild West, Harry Potter, and Good Eats. I have a lot of fractals, a quite a few icons of my cats, and several ancient-themed icons (including at least two in Latin).

I really, really love crossover icons!

I have two with text from The Prisoner:

Number Six from Battlestar Galactica (the Prisoner is also called Number Six)

A quotation from one of my favorite Prisoner episodes, "Dance of the Dead," seemed to fit Tin Man's oracle character, Airofday.

Two with text from Firefly:

The Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who

Menander (who really is a boywhore) from SPQR Blues

Three with the Wizard of Oz (one of which ISN'T Tin Man!)

Wizard of Oz text mapped onto Tin Man image...

... and back atcha!

Calatoria Themis from SPQR Blues, aka the Wicked Witch of Herculaneum.

ETA: And this one!

Tin Man with text from Alice in Wonderland

And some really odd ones:

No, really, at certain angles Alton Brown (Good Eats) really does look like Vash the Stampede (Trigun).

Enterprise and the Aubrey-Maturin series, made for me by ashinae

What ship do you have the most icons of? Cain/Glitch

How do you categorize your icons? I only just started putting a category and then a hyphen, like "Tin Man - Star Confetti" or "Court Jester - pellet patter". I wish I'd done that a long time ago! I can't change them now or older uses of the icons won't link any more. *pouts*

Keywords: Fairly plain and descriptive.

Are your icons mostly made by other users? Only a few. I really like making my own.

Do you make icons? I love it! It's a great stress reliever, and I learn a lot from it.

Are they any good? I agree with 'Rollo - what the hell kind of question is that? I think they're getting better. Sometimes the ideas are better than the execution.

Animated icons are: Fun to look at.

In general I think icons are: an awesome way to provide a secondary paratextual conversation alongside the text.

meme, the prisoner, icons, rat patrol, alice in wonderland, icons tin man

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