I still need to write about Paprika, so consider this a placeholder. During the past week we watched Wizard of Oz and A Touch of Spice (Politiki Kouzina). More on them when I have a few minutes!
Sound of Music was on TV last week and we watched bits of it here and there. And I realized, watching the scene outside the gazebo, just before "Something Good," that Maria and the Captain are SLASHY as all get-out. I don't mean that either of them is androgynous! I mean that they have this wonderful conversation in which neither of them wants to admit to being desperately in love with the other, so they're doing this kind of tentative dance of saying as little as possible while learning as much as possible. We even get the "last-ones-to-know" element, as it's clear the Baroness figures things out long before they do.
But it's still not as good as the elderly nuns confessing to having sabotaged the Nazi cars. Hee hee!
[GIP: Speaking of the Wizard of Oz, here's Calatoria Themis of
SPQR Blues as the Wicked Witch.]