Registrations Now Open!

Feb 25, 2007 13:46

We're pleased to announced that registrations for this year's Amecon are now open!

The registration form can be found at If you are registering, please make sure that you fill in each section of the form carefully ^-^ Entrance to the convention costs £40.00, and you will be notified via email with regards to registering for onsite accommodation. Cheques should be recieved by us within two weeks of registration.

When you have reigstered, keep an eye on the members page (found at, as you will move from 'New' to 'Pending' and to 'Confirmed' as we process your payment. Please be aware that payment processing can take around 2 weeks.

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to send me a message on the forum

We look forward to see you in the Summer!

Amecon Registrations Officer
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