Fianlly I got a DSL conexion! It took me almost a year!
Well, in short. Since I moved up to my current home, my Telephone line belonged to a guy that not payed its feed, so eventually it was cut off. I had to demostrate that telephone line didn't belong to that guy anymore, and it was a bereaucrat mess; eventually it has been solved and I have 20MG DSL conexion!
And now I can do many things...
A sample I want to share...
Click to view
Well, this is an Armada TF AMV, and it portraits certain (Mary-suish) counple which is quite popular now... But it is not the matter.
The matter is the song!
I love that song, even if it's in Chinese. If you check out this AMV's profile, you'll see everybody around thinks the same.
Aparentely the song is called "The Bird and the Fish" and it's by a Chinese-Taiwan singer called 齐豫(Qi Yu), therefore I guess it's in Canton's Chinese. I've searched a little about this singer in EMule and I've found several interesting things.
For that people that like the song...
齐豫-Qi Yu's "The Bird and the Fish" music.
齐豫-Qi Yu's Another song.
Another version in English by Mark Knopfler.
It's cool having DSL again *^^*