Long time I didn't post anything around here, huh?
Well, here I am.
First off, I've added to
genchaos and
straya to my friends list. Welcome aboard! ^__^
Now, updating my life..
On past weekend, the "The White Night" was celebrated in Madrid, the Spanish capital city. ... and just, what is the "White Night"? Well, basicaly it's an event celebrated in every European capital city once per year. The event is basically cultural and it was celebrated for first time in Madrid on past year. The Events were special music shows, street theater, gratis museums, ligth effects on emblematic buldings, etc... And of course, I had to take advantage such chance!
Therefore, I made up my mind to visit the Suit's Musseum which I wanted to visit since quite a while. There, there are different accident suits back to XVIIth century till XX century. I went with
loremaula, who happens to be a accident costumers and suits lover, and I saw and learned many things about accident costumes; many of them were just amazing.
But the big deal was a short theater event based on the Spanish Golden Century back to XVII century about a couple of swordmen than talked about Rocroi's battle (yes, European history) , their outfits and others... and eventually they ended up fighting with each other using their swords in a impressive combat. Here is one of the actors...
Loremaula and me enjoyed the show, but the childrem around were really happy with this.
After that, we both headed towards Madrid's center district, to Callao Square, where we planed to meet
maurishio and other people and enjoying some music event in the streets, but it was fullfilled of people, hunder and hunder of people... and raining. Therefore, we had to move to some place where we could cover us from rain and take some meal.... But hunder of people had the same idea and eventually we ended up in a Thailand ristorant. It was a good choice because the dished were delicious, but we finished too later and the only thing we could enjoy was this...
(This is a photo than Loremaula did. The windows of the "Spanish tower" were changing of colours. It was quite impressive)
But that was all. There was people *everywhere* and we barely can walk; plus, it still raining and it was quite later... In spite of ourselves, we had to get back at home T___T.
On the next day, I met another friend from Deviantart, who happens to be visiting Spain, and we were enjoying some events from the previous night. We visited Sabatinni's gardes, next to the Royal Palace, and there was an amusing sculptures collection. One of them was like ¥€$
But there also was this...
As you can see, it's a Lenin' sulpture. It could be open and closed: the body, the head, a leg and the craneum. Actually it was quite original. I only took a photo about the open sculture but it could be closed. Some Rusian tourist than also saw the sculpture had a funny time playing with it (actually I think they were russian, but I'm not sure because I cannot find difference between east European languages ^_^U)
Too bad the White Night was only a night per year; it should be a full weekend or two nights because there were too many events in just a night, and so many people collapsed the event. Besides, today I've found out that Saturday night there were some streets quarrels after the events....
Can people be civilian for once?