Macross/Robotech RARE stuff!
It's so. Recentely, I've got a rare scans from some old anime magazine back of beginings of '80. It made me very happy, and I think it's unfair not sharing this with people.
Basically, it's a magazine about "Macross" old series (the ones than later were used for making up "Robotech" first season) and it has rare illustrations about Lisa, Minmey and other caracters... even funny parodies.
Here is a sample.
This is a RARE parody illustration by HIRANO, and not Mikimoto... Therefore, it makes it even rarer. Even if the art isn't the best, I love this one... mostly if you know those characters.
You can find the full scans
HERE On the other hand, since "Robotech" has tons of fans in America, there are several comics and other series. I'm not very found on those, but sometimes there are good stuff.
Here is a sample:
This page comes from Vol-5 from later "Robotech" comics, the series called "Love&War". If you're familiarized with the series, you'll know the Chinesse couple than are kissing happen to be.---- counsins. Therefore, you may find out why the "EECKS!" faces from people.
Pure fanservice! Yet, I find it amusing.
HERE ... BTW, I've added some RARE pictures from previus magazine than I couldn't host in the other gallery.
Enjoy them! They're worthy to see!