
Feb 02, 2009 01:31

Let others know a little more about​ yourself, re-post this as your name followed by "ology"


What is your salad​ dressing of choice?​
 Blue Cheese!

What is your favorite sit-​​down restaurant​?​​
 Outback! Yumm!

What food could​ you eat for 2 weeks​ straight and not get sick of it

What are your pizza​ toppings of choice?​​
 Chicken, extra cheese and garlic!

What do you like to put on your toast​?​​
 Butter and honey.


How many televisions are in your house​?​​

What color​ cell phone​ do you have?​​


Are you right​-​​handed or left-​​handed?​​

Have you ever had anything removed from your body?​
 My Gallbladder. heh.

What is the last heavy​ item you lifted?​​
 ??? Heck I don't remember.

Have you ever been knock​ed unconscious?​​
 I don't believe so....


If it were possible,​​ would​ you want to know the day you were going​ to die?
 Hell no.

If you could​ change your name,​​ what would​ you change it to?
 Nothing. I dig my name...

Would​ you drink​ an entire bottle of hot sauce​ for $​​1000?​​


How many pairs​ of flip flops​ do you own?
 Just one.... but I think I need a new pair...

Last time you had a run-​​in with the cops?​​
 A while ago.. lol

Last person you talked to?

Last person you hugged?​​
 Jen Jen



 Halloween / christmas....

Day of the week?​​



Missing someone?​
 Ehhh... not really...


What are you listening to?

 The same as above...

Worrying about?
 Job/ money


First​ place​ you went this morning?
 Butterfly Gardens @ SSU

What'​​s the last movie​ you saw?
Theater -  Milarepa.....

Do you smile​ often​?​​
 I try to!


1)Do you alway​s answer your phone​?​​
 Honestly... Not always

2) You love.​​.​​.
 My husband and lots others...

3) If you could​ change your eye color​ what would​ it be?

4) What flavor do you add to your drink​ at Sonic​?​​
 Sonic? LOL I live in Sonoma County.....

5) Do you own a digital camera?​​
 I used to...

6)​​Have you ever had a pet fish?​​

7) Favorite Christmas Song?
 Ave Maria

8) What'​​s on your wish list for your birth​day?​​
 Gift cards to either Torrid or Lane Bryant

9) Can you do push ups?

10) Can you do a chin up?
 See above...

11) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?​​

13) Ever been in a car wreck​?​
 Yup. It was scary.

14) Do you have an accent?

15) What is the last song to make you cry?
 None really.....

16) Plans​ tonight?
 Veg out some more, watch Gargoyles...then sleep!

17) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
 Hell yeah.

18) Name 3 thing​s you bough​t yesterday.
 Monster..... um yeah that's about it.

19) Have you ever been given​ roses​?​​
 Yes. I loves them!

20) Current worry​?​​

21) Current hate right​ now?
 Lack of Job

22) Met someone who changed your life?​​
 Oh yeah!

23) How did you bring​ in the New Year?​​
 With my honey and good friends...

24) What song represents you?
 Havn't heard one yet...

25) Name three​ people who might​ complete this?​
 Jon, Corissa and maybe..... Pat pat?

26) What were you doing​ 12 AM last night​?​​
 Watching 'Imaginary Bitches" (hysterical btw) and knitting with Jen Jen

27) What was the first​ thing​ you thought of when you woke up?
 Ohhh boy....  a big day of gaming!


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