Aug 14, 2007 23:16
Holy Moley it's almost half through August already?
I've been blazing through busy, busy days that I've hardly had a chance to stop, take a breather and update my LJ with real content.
So my anwser these days when someone asks me "So how's Life?" I respond with: "Crazy. Good, but crazy".
That seems to be the truth of the matter these days. Work has been great. I still very much love being a teacher at Little Arrows. I get to run around and goof off and play with little children all day. Groovy. What is getting a little hard on me these days is for one, my car isn't liking all the driving and eatting up gas in revenge. And two... well... We really, REALLY need another teacher badly there. On our busiest days Tuesday and wednesday, there is just myself and Andrea. Now.. Andrea is.... she is getting better I can admit to that, but she isn't the brightest and has to be told directly a few times to do anything. So most tues/thurs days I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off to get everything done. No time for a breather until nap time. I thank the gods for Nap time. :)
But I know in time it will be better. I still love the kids.
I just registered for the Fall Semester at College of Marin and nabbed two 3.0 units in their ECE course. It means that once again Tuesday and Thursday I will be in San Anselmo to open for work at 7:45 am, work until 3:30-4ish then have class in Ross / Indian Valley from 6:40 to 9:10 (wierd times, I know). So I'll be getting home around tenish those night. Whoooo Wheeee. So if I don't anwser my phone, or decline to go out those nights, you know why.
As for Wedding Plans..... As of Yesterday I drove to the place and made our first purchase for the wedding. I put the deposit down for our ceremony / reception site. Eeek! So the date has been set. August 1st, 2008 at Deer Park Villa in Fairfax, CA. It's on a Friday, but that's why we planned it a year out; to give our friends and family enough time to plan. woooo.
So in the next year I get to continue to work full time, go to school in the evening, plan to move in March (lease is up) and also plan a wedding & honeymoon.
Good Lord.
Now I can see why people elope. Never gonna happen for us... but I can see why... lol!
little arrows