Onigokko Chapter 8

Sep 21, 2007 20:49

Title: Onigokko Anniversary
Chapter Summary:What does the kidnapper have in store for the Ya-Ya-yah members? And what’s really wrong with Shosuke? What is happening to Shoon while all of this is happening?
Summary: It seemed like an everyday game of Onigokko for Ya-Ya-yah and the few NewS members. Until it ended and one of them was missing.
Pairing: Mainly Yabu and Shoon (others one the side if you look…)
Disclaimer: I am not selling this to anyone. This is for my own amusement, and for those that would like to read this….and I don’t own anyone in this fic…..ya no one…..*goes into a corner*

The Ya-Ya-yah members had just gotten finished with their recording, each of them sat around the coffee table that now had the little cakes on them again. No one wanted to touch them, even though they looked to good, just as good as the ones that Shoon had made for each of their birthdays.

“Well, I guess we should get eating our cake,” Yabu said trying to smile, “By the time we get to it, at this rate, they’ll spoil.”

Both Hikaru and Taiyo tried to laugh but it was a little strained. Each said a small ‘itedakimasu’ they all dug into the cake. With all their feelings from the very beginning just burst right there. Each of them where sobbing, with the fork still in their mouth. The cake tasted delicious, but it tasted exactly like Shoon’s. They finally knew who Shosuke really was. Right after they pulled themselves together, they gather their things and ran, all knowing just where the next member was running to. But from that point, they didn’t know that, that when Shosuke gave those cake to them, it was going to be the last time that they all were going to see Shosuke.

While the Yax3 members where running to that little café, the kidnapper was just leaving. If only they had been a little bit more sooner they would have caught Shosuke and the kidnapper but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. The kidnapper knew when Shosuke’s medicine was going to wear off and cause Shosuke to change to who he really is. Shoon.

“Shosuke, if you don’t hurry we’re going to miss the next train to our dorm!”

“I’m coming!”

This will be the last time you will be going out Shoon. After you gave those boys your cakes anyone would know who you are. The last I lost track at what time with was like the first week when I took you in. I won‘t let that happen again. No one is going to know, you are only mine!

As both Shosuke(Shoon) headed down to the JR line, the Kidnapper smirk the most evilest smile that anyone would ever see, but no one saw this smile for he hid with the most caution.

It took awhile for them to get to the dorm but right as they stepped into the door, Shosuke doubled over in pain.

Right on time.

“Help me, Hoshino”

With that Hoshino smirked and walked away. He wouldn’t remember this the next time he would take his ‘medicine’ anyways. He jut left him there to suffer. It was his punishment for going to the Yax3 group without him.

As Hoshino walked away from Shosuke, he cried out one last time in pain and passed out. As he passed out, just little things started to change on him, moles/beautiful marks started to appear on his neck and that mark by his eye disappeared. Shosuke has fully transformed by into Shoon.

“I was so close in telling them that I was really Shoon,” Shoon sobbed, as he curled up into a ball, “Why is he doing this to me?”

Even though the medicine changed Shoon’s memories, and outer appearance, he was still inside the body of Shosuke, watching as Yabu first came into the café, watching how Yabu had brought Taiyo, and Hikaru in the café the next day. They triggered Shoon to come back from the medicine that changed him into Shosuke, making Hoshino to come running. He knew what was happening and he didn’t want the Yax3 members to know about Shoon being Shosuke. Even though it seemed like the cakes was an apology from Shosuke for worrying them, it was a SOS from Shoon. Always watching what Shosuke was doing, and somewhat making Shosuke act somewhat like him, so that someone would notice how familiar Shosuke was to Shoon, and to make them realize that they were one of the same. But everything failed, and it didn’t help that each time someone would see him and call him Shoon, that Shosuke would say that he really wasn’t this Shoon, and it just broke his heart to know that even Yabu asked if it was him, but instead of saying, “YES! YABU IT’S ME! SHOON!, Shosuke just chuckled, and even though Shosuke didn’t seen it Shoon did, Yabu’s smile twitched to a frown for just a millisecond. To Shoon, for the past couple of days, it felt like he was trapped in a mirror, watching everything happening around him, but not being able to control what was happening to his body, and to talk to the people that he wanted to talk to. Shoon wanted to get up, but the first time that he had tried to escape, something had happen it was like, right when the medicine would wear off, Shoon still didn’t have control of his body. It was like Shosuke was asleep and won’t let Shoon take his body back for the night. He still could do the little things, like curl up into a ball, or turn so that he was laying on his back, only the movements that you find when someone is sleeping. Getting up and walking around was out of the question, and running away was totally out of the question. He couldn’t do anything from the point that he was Shoon. Shoon thought about everything that had been happening to him but he will never his eyes when he was in that room. He didn’t want to see the room anymore then he did when he was awake inside of Shosuke, he had seen it enough to know what it looks like.

While Shoon was going over this Hoshino was in the door way watching Shoon’s back, watching it move up and down as he breathe. Like always, he went over to Shoon and picked him up, to go to the bed room. And he whispered in his ear.

“This was the last time you’re going to be out of this room,” as he smirk, “You’re not going to leave this room for a long time. You’re mine, and only. My little caged song bird.”

This only caused Shoon to cry more, has he let Hoshino carry him into the room. Each day was eating at his hope that he’s group members, and anyone else for that matter, was going to find him. Each day was just bringing him closer to depression, eating away his soul. Soon he was going to be a corpse, alive but without a soul. Following the orders of whatever Hoshino tells him to do.

Will someone please come and help me. Yabu, mina, anyone someone please. Was the last thoughts that he went through his mind as he cry himself to sleep, as he felt the bed dip with the weight of Hoshino coming to bed to.


Soo like this made me kinda depressed….>.> I hope you didn’t….I mean I had to take out all the cds that I had that was in this kind of mood or something. I don’t know how I did on this, but I didn’t really like it. I figured since I haven’t made a chapter talking about how Shoon was dealing with this, I figured this was the right time…..But I still don’t like how this turned out…sigh. Well I hope you guys liked it and all. -_____-;


onigokko, yamabu, ya-ya-yah

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