Aug 22, 2006 23:01
I apologize if I have just gone, in the space of approximately thirty seconds, from kind and loving Tristan to complete bitch. But there are certain things that I am changing about ALL my online communities/contact lists/etc.
Specifically, concerning spam. One mention of a spammable item in a post is fine. Two is fine. Three is pushing the envelope, but I'll let it slide. Four to ten is not cool. More than ten, I will take action. Remember it may be your journal, but it's MY friends list. If I don't want to see it, I'll make sure I don't see it. Simple as that.
Should you happen to find yourself on the recieving end of such an action, PLEASE do not hunt me down and message me, asking, "OMG YOU DELETED/BLOCKED/BANNED ME WHY?!?!?" It will only make it worse. I don't want that, you don't want that. Deal with it. It isn't permanent.