Day 8: A photo of your favorite Disney star/s.
Day 9: A photo of the celebrity you would like to be friends with.
Day 10: A photo of your favorite country artist/band.
Day 11: A photo of the band/artist that you like that aren’t worldwide famous yet.
Day 12: A photo of the actor/actress from your favorite tv show.
Day 13: A photo of the celebrity that you would do anything to meet.
Day 14: A photo of the celebrity who’s concert you would love to go to.
Day 15: A photo of the celebrity who you think cares more about the money and fame rather than the fans.
Day 16: A photo of the celebrity you would love to have over for dinner.
Day 17: A photo of the celebrity who would play in a movie about your life.
Day 18: A photo of the celebrity who’s wardrobe you would love to own.
Day 19: A photo of a celebrity who’s house you would like a tour of.
Day 20: A photo of a celebrity who you think is a role model.