Though i'd die to know you love me.. i'm all alone. Isn't someone missing me?

Apr 18, 2005 00:06

BLAH! I spent like.. the last4 days totally procratinating! I'm at a good point with my cd rom so its like "oh i'll just leave that till later".. GUH. I'll be spending richs class and tomorrow night working on it i'm sure! Business plan stuff has been started but not enough. I think we all gotta go to the college one night and just all work on it together. Get it DONE.. or at least as much as possible. Maybe tuesday or wednesday night?

Um... what have I done lately. Friday I spent with Hails. SO fun. Ima so gonna miss that gurl while shes at the navy over the summer. She almost made me break my promise to myself :P. I promised myself before this year started I would never cry again (so far so good). I felt like i was gonna when she was getting out of my car.. but then i remembered shes gonna have fun and come back to me :). Hung out with sexy Tonya last night. just chilled at her place as she made fun of me. *whines* i'm gay and a nerd! I CAN'T PLAY SPORTS! lol. Then tonite went to coffee with Jay, Cam, Jordan (cams new bf), and KC(cams best friend.. whom is very cool). That was fun. Saw Travis and then saw Jon (both from school). Jon called me mikey ... i dunno if i like that or hate it. lol.

AAAAAAAnd I should prolly head to bed soon. Very tired! Got a loooong 2 weeks ahead of me *dies*
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