Jul 01, 2015 22:36
I'd like to preface this post by saying that I have a tendency just to post to LJ to vent about stuff when I'm annoyed.
I had to have the "sometimes no means no" conversation tonight. Not about what you would think... but about the physical teasing stuff, like wet willies and tickling.
I'm just kind of angry, but not to the point that I want to make a serious deal about it. I didn't laugh it off like I'll often do, and I told him (after he wet willied me anyway) that I very clearly asked him not to do that, and he doesn't have some weird piggy bank where he gets to save them up for later (because his response had been "but I haven't done it in a while!").
Sometimes, people, just say you're sorry and move on. Don't try and justify disregarding someone's feelings.