Sep 27, 2009 13:52
I took off for the co-op today in a cheery mood, ready to get ingredients to make pesto, black-eyed pea masala, and an Egyptian bean salad as well as my usual essentials like kiwis, bananas, buttermilk, and spinach. I decided I better take a look at my bank balance and be a responsible young adult just in case I didn't have enough money to do a big shopping trip and pay upcoming rent.
And dammit, it was true - I only have $500 in my account. Where did my $1300 in financial aid go in 1 bloody month?! Even with my work money, bootleg cash, and Jekyll & Hyde mula I still have barely enough to pay October's rent and utilities.
That leaves me $30 in my account and I don't even get my next financial aid check until late October!!! %$#@!!!
Granted, I should have been paid $400 almost 3 weeks ago for my job but my time card got all screwed up. Hopefully it will come early this week and I'll have it to float me until financial aid. And granted, my cupboard is stocked with lentils, bulgur, flour, oats, beans, rice, pasta, and buckwheat so I'll live...And the garden is yielding potatoes, carrots, pumpkins galore, parsley, tomatoes, apples, pears, and quinoa. Yup, I'll live.
Man, but I still feel like I'm at poverty level here. Part of me wants to run and cry on Nathan's shoulder but I know I have to just Deal. I'm on my own now and he's not paying for me to live anymore.