May 14, 2005 13:26
Be on your guard against laziness. Do not put off your prayers until tomorrow. Tomorrow will bring it's own challenges and trials. Pray, my brothers and sisters in Christ, and do not delay! Each of us are given a mission. Focus on Jesus and Mary each day and learn to realize that there isn't time to waste. Bolster your prayer life and your love of God through our Blessed Mother, The Queen of Peace, and Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Focus on Love, focus on salvation. Realize too, that you will be faced with many difficult trials. Lift each one up to the greater glory of God. God is almighty, and He won't leave us unaided and unprotected in times of spiritual warfare. Run then, full-fledged to Christ who is waiting for your devotion. Also, take part in Reconciliation and forgive readily. You do not know when the LORD is to come in glory. Therefore, change now and not tomorrow. Receive God in the Eucharist whenever possible and attend Mass whenever possible. Learn who you are receiving! It is JESUS CHRIST!!!
God bless!
Sharing some of the summarizations of the apparitions of Mary, the Blessed Virgin and Queen of Peace, to you, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.