Jan 01, 2010 11:49
...and sadly this isn't going to be a real one. Sometime soon, I will! But for now, I managed to stumble across (thank you google!) my old website that contained chat quotes and rp logs. I felt I needed to share a few choice tidbits for those of us involved to look back and sigh fondly in remembrance.
[Kami!] G'deon: How on earth did we luck out to have such an awesome clutch?
[Kami!] Sraine: Fate? Some diety's twisted sense of humour?
[Kami!] Hyzen: We were just meant to be.
[Kami!] Sraine: Or maybe the rule that says "Out of all suckage that can be called crap, there must arise one force that denies the suckage, and dost not suck. And that nonsuckage shall rule, and be called Kamikaze. For they are divine in their non suckiness."
[Kami!] G'deon: Amen.
[AP] Tevya buuples.
[AP] Cayl eyes Tevya's buuple. I don't know whether to pop it or deem it a new color.
[Aspie] Hyzen wants to die?
[Aspie] Iori happily kills Hyzen.
[Aspie] Hyzen was asking a question, not giving an opportunity!
[Rant] Sraine tackles Gids! Giddy-gid-gids! Me and Cay need your help! If you were a male, which would you prefer: spines or fins?
[Rant] G'deon stares....
[Rant] G'deon: Prefer... in what way?
Man, looking back, I really miss those days sometimes. *dramatic sniffle/tear wiping*