Busy busy busy...

Apr 23, 2008 12:53

Phew! It's been a while since I updated but I've been a little busy! My party a few weekends ago went down awesomely. More people showed up than I expected and I had a crazy amount of fun. Luckily there was no drama at all--not that I was expecting any, but that sort of thing follows me around somehow--and I enjoyed myself immensely. I even got the Spoon of Spoony Wrath! (with plans to swap ownership with V every year I fly down for her birthday. RAWK)

A short while later, because my life seems to enjoy random up and downs, Kela (my dog back in Kansas) was put to sleep. I can't remember if I made a post about it before or not--I meant to anyway--but she had skin cancer and it really was just a matter of time. I had really hoped I could see her again at least one last time, but it seems the cancer was just a little too aggressive and she couldn't hold out any longer. I'm still very sad about it and it's a little hard to talk about without tearing up, but that's progress considering I used to break down crying just thinking about it. She was an amazing dog and I will never forget her, and miss her often.

In moving news, it is now exactly one week before I leave Arizona for greener surroundings. I'm...not even remotely ready, and I should be packing at this exact minute. My living room is almost completely done though--I just need to pick up some bubblewrap and I can finish up there. Keep your fingers crossed that I can get everything ready in time. X_x But at least joiless arrived safely and has been helping out, so that's good. It's been great having him here, if for nothing else than cuddling on the couch watching movies or playing video games in the downtime.

Oh yes! I finally got confirmation on my exact new address. Apartment number (or letter, I suppose) and everything. I'm so excited! And the lady at the complex said I didn't have to worry about setting up the water/electric/etc until I got there, because I could do it on site the day I arrived. Which is great, because I hate doing that stuff over the phone.

Time to get back to work. Blargh.
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