Jan 21, 2006 01:24
Long day. Pretty shitty. Four hours of sleep. Woke up late. Called 15 newspapers. 6 answered. Sat at a computer for three hours. Made a logo that didn't get used. Went to school. Changed my spanish class. Found out I took two classes I didn't need. Now I'm short 7 credits to graduate. Now I have to take two more communications classes and two lab sciences. Hip hip hooray for summer classes :-X Went to lunch with Michael. Actually smiled for once today. Drank a cup of coffee on the way home. Came home for about 15 minutes, then went to work. Work was annoying as per usual. Actually it wasn't too bad because I had a constant job to be doing. Got out of work and went to the diner. WEIRD. Came home and looked for plugs. No luck. Now I'm in a shitty mood for no reason. Ah this sucks. I guess I'm going to bed because nothing great happened today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.