bored off my asssss

Dec 28, 2005 01:58

The Year 2005:

[P E O P L E]
1. Best friend? Jeneeeesaaaa muiiiii...Meg and Melly.
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? lovee him....Damian Michael Thomas.
3. Lost any friends? Yep....its called life.
4. Gained any friends? two bffssss Meg and Melly....than all my crazy Mckay kids, love em
5. Met a new good friend? Meg and Melly, Damian, Seth Elliot, all my army boyyyzz

[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? noperrs
2. Moved? down to Tampa babyyy
3. New school? U of Tampa!
4. How many times on an airplane? 3 times

[Y O U]
1.Have you changed?: helllllzzz yahhhh
2. New look? Naww...actually. haha lazy lol
3. Any new addictions? boyfriend and bffsss...and loving my UT kids
4. Biggest conflict this year? people. everyone needs to start accepting change,things wont be the same forever. im not apologizing for nothin
5. Most depressed time this year? beginnin when i missssedd my bffs

[L O V E]
1. Did you fall in love? very much so. Damian
2. Did you get heartbroken? yep.
3. Who was your summer love? haha Andy =)

[S E A S O N S]
1. Favorite Season? Summmmaaahhhh
2. Least favorite season? haha winter!
3. Good birthday? yeahh. parttyy
4. Any snow this year? hahah i dunno i wasnt home lol
5. Highest temperature? 90's

[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]
Snuck out- Yeh
Met a person who will change your life- Damian....actually all of the army boys have.
Kept your resolution- I dunno
Got arrested- Nope
Had a first something- first actual love...i think. lol. lots of other things too
Had a crush- yeah haha
Liked someone who didn't like you- yepppp
Lost a family member- yah
Got bad grades- yap
Got suspended- Nope
Moved states- yuuuuuppp Fl
Got a myspace- yuppp
Done something you totally regret- no regretsssss
Changed your view on things- yahhh complete 360 on my view of the war and army being friends and having a bf involved makes u realize how real things are. ur view changes when things like that hit close to home. gotta support our troops, no matter wut. the war happened for a reason, their just doing their job.

[Coming in to 2006]
how old are you- 18
who is your best friend? J mui muiii, meg and melly and Damian and Seth
are you ready for '06? yes and no. excited for skooooollll...not excited for my boyfriend and Seth to leave for Iraq. =/

ok so i was bored. sue me lol....just read the last entry for something substantial lol.
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