Happy thoughts... ommmmmm... happy thoughts....

Nov 13, 2008 11:02

Today is NOT my day.

First, I overslept because my cell phone didn't wake me. Because it keeps having ominous 'charging errors' while charging over night.

Ergo the alarm doesn't go off. PLUS: IT DOESN'T CHARGE AT ALL.


It also keeps switching itself off at random times.

So I overslept by about 1 1/2 and only woke up because my dad rang the door bell. He was supposed to pick me up at 8am and waited about half an hour before he dared to come up and ask what was taking me so long.

So it was already past 8.30 and I was still in my pyjamas.

I hurried into the bathroom because I needed to put my contact lenses in because guess what? I have an appointment at the optician because we need to check if I can wear these or if we need to order new ones with a different... uhm, cut (for lack of a better word).

Apparently, I put the right one in the wrong way around and now I can't see SHIT. But I don't want to take it out because I have nowhere to put it and I need to leave it in my eye until 2pm.


Due to my right eyelid having reflexes like a bloody LIGHTNING BOLT it took me about 15 minutes to put that one contact lense in.

Ergo, I arrived at work about an hour late.

All of this wouldn't be a problem if I could stay longer today. BUT I CAN'T.

I need to be out of here by 6pm because the concert tonight starts at 7pm.

And after that appointment at the optician I'll have to hurry the fuck back to the office again because one of our clients is going to stop by because we're having trouble with one of HIS clients and their reports.

And this is supposed to happen at 3pm.

*tears out hair*


I hate today.

See icon. Although I'd prefer Saturday, actually. But seeing as how today is awful enough I don't want to be picky.


Due to current events and on account of me being stabbity today a little meme about serial killing is in order, no? MWAHAHAHA

Hey. I am like Elvis. I'm not dead :P



I went to the optician only to find out that the guy had made the appointment with had gone home half an hour before on account of being sick.

His colleague couldn't help me because the guy had forgotten to write anything down about the type of contact lenses he'd given me to try out and so his colleague couldn't even say if any others might work better.

However, I explained to him that the one in my right eye didn't sit right. And then we both thought it could be due to the lense being upended accidentally. Which is kind of hard to tell if you CAN'T SEE SHIT BECAUSE YOU HAPPEN TO HAVE THE LENSE IN YOUR HAND THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE IN YOUR RIGHT EYE.


But apparently there is a way to tell if the lense is 'inside-out'. The outer rim sticks out at an odd angle - which is, hm, maybe half a millimetre perhaps? But okay.

Back at the office Ipoked myself in the eye several times I removed the lense and had a look at it. Thankfully, a colleague was present and when I fiddled with the lense she suddenly said 'Ey, now it looks better!'.

Uhm, okay. Taking your word for it because I CAN'T SEE THE DIFFERENCE.

Another ten minutes of poking myself in the eye and voilá: I CAN SEEEEEEE!

Without anything stinging or rubbing my eye (sounds disgusting, I know).


Actually, I think there really was a difference in the form of the contact lense when I turned it inside-out but this morning I didn't really have enough time to look carefully. So I just assumed that it didn't fit properly - which would have been sort of okay because it's a daily lense and these only come in generic, uhm, forms.

But now I CAN SEE!

for those times to feel alive

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