Aug 23, 2006 20:06
so the question above has found it's self in conversation more then a few times as of late. I'm starting to wonder if there really is a word to describe said person or do you just refer to them as "god" as someone told me the other day. The best answer I've gotten so far has been "sexual muse" but then again are they really a type of muse if it's not them the fantasy plays around? The sick part about this whole question is I don't even know why I began asking everyone I know it. My mind as of late has been so here and there since I have way to much time to think about life, love, a non existent sex life, and my career. I've recently taking up talking with a friend about everything from dark lust to laying in bed just listening to the air around u, which if you put enough thought behind it are really one and the same. Trust me I've been alone in my house for way to long, along with noticing that my ceiling needs some grave attention everything has become a philosophical break down. Down to the stupid question I began this lengthy blog entry with, and of course the mindless rambling on with anyone who will listen to me for more then 10mins. Seriously I need a fucking life or out of my studio apt. here in tacoma I'm losing it I think....