*draws hearts around this episode*
After feeling kind of 'meh' about last week's, this week, the show is back in full form!
Look, they're wearing gloves! And yep... it's the one time we see them do it, is the one time they get caught. D'oh!
'I call this one the blue steel'. 'Who looks better, me or Nick Nolte?'
'You think you're funny.'
'I think I'm adorable.'
The exchange with Dean and Hendrickson was awesome. \o/ So much (non-sexual) chemistry between them. *rewatches scene* Okay, maybe a little sexual. *g*
Prison orange isn't a really a good colour on anyone, but mmm, the forearms and biceps are in full display there. And wow, Sam has really nice hair this week. *wants to pet it*
'Dean, I want you to be straight with me.' - Okay, I'm twelve. I admit it, that line made me laugh out loud. (and also earn strange looks from my sister and friend who I was watching it with.)
Sam agreeing to follow through the plan, even though he thinks it's stupid. Dean's description of the loyalty to their father. Oh...
Okay, this definitely isn't a short review. I definitely loved this episode.
Tiny! The creepy ghost! Dean playing poker for smokes! Winchester fighting! Using 'Rooster' at the end!
'Dean, doesn't it bother you how well you fit in here?' 'Not really.'
'Why you inside, kid? 'Cause I got an idiot for a brother.' 'That'll do it.'
The cool lawyer who figured out something wasn't adding up in the Winchester's casefile... her telling Henrickson the wrong cemetery.
'We need to go deep this time.'
'Dean, we need to go to Yemen.'
And I cannot wait until the next episode! Alternate universe... Mary is still alive, does this mean John is too? And Jess? rhetorical questions, I don't really want to know yet.
I'm finally caught on Heroes! And wow, is it good television.
I love the combination of Mr. Bennet, Matt and Ted- especially with Mr. Bennett giving instructions to Matt via thoughts.
And oh, Linderman and Nathan. Here we're getting glimpses of the bigger plan. Does Linderman not remind people of Magneto in X-men? Although with a much cooler power. Healing... I wonder if it goes all the way to resurrection.
Hmm, so if he's Magneto, then who's Professor X? I'd say Mohinder, but sadly he's too naive and unknowing to really do any good right now.
Maybe Mama Petrelli? She seems to be knowing a lot about what's happening. And I'm betting that she has a power herself. She's cold, calculating but wants what's best for her family. Her talking to Claire:
'You'll have a chance to grow up and develop into someone who can make her own choices, and then if you choose to come back and join this madness, like I once did, at least I will have given you the option.'
I'm itchin' for the backstory here.
All the scenes with the Petrellis = ♥
Nathan, don't be tempted! (although the next episode seems to indicate he was)
Oh, Peter. That fight scene with him and Sylar was brutal to watch. And Sylar still really creeps me out, especially in his resemblance to Brandon Routh (who played Superman).
Aw, poor Isaac. But at least, as he said, he died a hero.
What does Linderman want with Micah?
So many questions... and next week (er, tomorrow) they're going into the future! *bounces* Can't wait!
remix_redux reveals were today.
musesfool was the author of my lovely remixed fic.
My story was this:
Title: Grandma's House (Bad Wolf Remix)
amcharaSummary: It's too soon, after California, after Madison, after everything. But they're Winchesters and they get the job done.
Fandom: Supernatural
Character(s): Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Belongs to Kripke, not mine
Original story:
Grandma's House by
amara_mNotes: Spoilers up to Episode 2.17, "Heart". Written for
remix_redux 2007.
It's too soon after California... I think I probably could've have done more with this story, but time restraints (and my own procrastination) led it to turn out otherwise. Oh, well. A lesson to be learned for next year.
Also- I posted a poll about interest in a SPN summer fic exchange for het fic
here, in case people missed it earlier.