(no subject)

Mar 06, 2007 19:53

1. I hate school. And journalism. And writing papers. And headaches bordering-on-migraines. And -42 Celsius weather. And the fact that nobody will talk to you when they find out that you're only a student and not a 'real journalist', and that means that your story, which could have been good, is now at best, mediocre. *le sigh*

Okay, now that that is out of my system...

2. New layout skin! amchara. In the spirit of St. Paddy's day.

Oh! This would also be a good time to mention that I've signed up for Sweet Charity, offering to design a lj layout. So if you've a hankering for a brand new layout and don't want to design one yourself... I'm available *cough* for a price. ;) ( a gallery of all my old layouts as examples)

Post a list of your top five favorite fics you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the best things you've written, but what you love most.

1. Awkward Conversation (HP- Sirius and Lily gen) Go to any HP fic community and you'll find a dozen different characterizations of Sirius and Lily. I like this one because it illustrates how I view these characters. Not best friends, by a long shot- but similar in more ways than one. Although, I can't fully take credit for this story, since a large part of the dialogue came from an RP-ing session with sethkyne_blue on communiquills, where she played Sirius and I played Lily.

2. Harvest of the Sea Technically a Lord of the Rings story, but this is really quasi-original story. I think when I posted it a lot of people assumed that I was against the seal hunt, even though the opposite is true. It's interesting how people interpret stories in a different way than the author originally envisioned. My original theme was showing the hunt as bloody, yes, but a necessary passage into adulthood, when one learns that sometimes it's necessary to do something you don't want to do. I also like that it has a maritime setting. When I re-read it, it evokes the feeling of home.

3. Forever Young (SPN- Sam and Dean gen, R) I like this one because I feel it's the story when I finally nailed the Winchesters' voices. I feel like this one could be a tag to an un-aired episode and hmmm, I don't know why else. I just like it.

4. Back Against the Wall (SPN- Sam/Jess, Sam/Sarah and Sam/Dean, PG-13) It's wallsex in multiple forms with Sam Winchester. What's not to like? *g* It probably doesn't have wide appeal, considering the three pairings I included- but that's okay- I had alot of fun writing it. And hey- I was ahead of my time, considering what's coming up. :D

5. Soonest Mended (SPN) I don't if I ever posted my episode reaction to 'Born Under A Bad Sign'- while I liked the episode, I came away with the feeling that something had been broken. This was my way of fixing it, and when I finished writing it, I felt better.

So, there you go. Tagging whoever hasn't done it already.

my fic, meme

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