Procrastination: way of champions

Jan 08, 2010 02:09

Happy New Year! I hope 2010 is treating everyone well!

My goal at the moment - be better organized for life in general and that includes finding time to post on LJ again. :)

So far that resolution... not going so well. Ahhh, I have about a million things to do at the moment, not to mention studying for exams (first one on Monday) and organizing and contacting people for a research trip for my thesis... but tonight I felt the need to clean out my Firefox tabs, of which there were about 120, forcing my computer to run veeerrry sloooowly. So here, have a few of the eclectic bunch of links and recs that I have collected over the last three months. :)

Resource Rec:

Male Youth Prostitution (Part One) (Part Two)

For anyone wanting to do research for hooker/rentboy fic. Fantastic (if a bit hard on the eyes because of the background) collection of links discussing a wide range of topics relating to male prostitution, including many studies and statistics from around the world as well as personal stories and how male prostitutes are seen in media and popular culture. Some incredibly (and sometimes heartbreaking) reads found there.

Fic Recs:

A Tale That Can't Be Told by waldorph Glee, Rachel/Puck, other pairings

…Yeah. So then Quinn moved in with Rachel, which saved her relationship with Finn, who is seriously still so stupid, and they were all this weird…weird family.

Weird for Ohio, more fitted for like, the East coast or California-you know, seriously liberal places where the queers live and the feminists are like, trying to redefine the family unit and Jesus Christ he has got to stop reading shit Rachel leaves lying around.

Pitch-perfect Puck voice, (aka not PC at all) about his relationship with Rachel through the years. The other Glee characters sound exactly like they do on tv too. *glee!*

Escapology by pogrebin Leverage, Parker/Eliot/Hardison

They're in it for the long con

Thoughtful, lyrical piece on why Parker/Hardison/Eliot works so well.

Illicit Exploits of an LA Rentboy by dancinbutterfly Entourage, Vince/Eric, Vince/others

I realize that I forgot to mention before that I fuck people for money. I like it. And more importantly, I'm good at it.

I don't even watch Entourage! And yet this came across my radar on crack_van in December and I got sucked in. Written in the style of "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" and without the usual hookerfic cliches, this isn't an easy ride for the characters but it's an engrossing one.

Traffic Lights Turning Yellow by lingeringday Gossip Girl, Blair/Chuck/Nate

When Blair thinks about it, everything that ever went wrong in her life could be laid at Serena’s feet in the end. Good S, Bad S, it didn’t matter. The girl was a force of chaos in Blair’s life, and it was her fault that Blair was in this godforsaken hotel room in the middle of god knows where with two snoring boys on either side of her.

Aaah, good Chuck/Blair/Nate is ridiculously hard to find. *mourns the lack of non-judging breakfast club in canon* This is good stuff, though.

MacDonald Hall is Fabulous by Nimori

On Tuesday morning, the school woke to find someone had dressed the statue of Sir John A. Macdonald in leather chaps and a ball gag.

"Mildred," said Mr. Sturgeon, as he peered out his window at the crowd gathering around the statue. "The Hall has gone crazy."

"I think it's wonderful to see them taking action."

"Action I would condone, even encourage. Defacing school property I will not."

"They're making a statement, William."

"Normal schools hold assemblies on tolerance. My school petitions the board to change our motto to In excellentia fabulous."

OMG, laugh-out-loud hilarious but still touching fic about MacDonald Hall trying to get Bruno and Boots together. And as typical in MacDonald Hall, things are taken over-the-top but in the best way. :D Even if you haven't read the series, (and why haven't you- only some of the best YA Can-Lit) this is an adorable story that will leave you smiling.

Vid Recs:

DLZ by bop_radar Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Ensemble vid

Congratulations on the mess you made of things;
On trying to reconstruct the air and all that brings.
And oxidation is the compromise you own
But this is beginning to feel like the dog wants her bones

For me, this was a captures summary of the show. Chockfull of nuances and imagery that needs more than one viewing. I get something different out of it each time I rewatch.

Capital G by bop_radar True Blood, Eric character vid, light Eric/Godric but can be seen as non-shippy too

What I got out of watching this vid: Vampires, and particularly Eric, are scary, violent, impossibly cool BAMFs that you do not want to cross. As vampires should be. *nods* (Oh, and Godric is the only one who has any degree influence on Eric's behavior, so watch out!)

All is Filled With Love by obsessive24 True Blood, Godric

Beautiful, gorgeously-crafted vid that is basically Godric's suicide note and his message to Eric about why he plans to face the sun. obsessive24 does a fantastic job conveying Godric's weariness and disillusion with life.

recs:vids, leverage, true blood, terminator:scc, gossip girl, recs: misc, glee

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