Yay Yuletide!

Nov 12, 2008 12:32

Dear Yuletide Writer-who-received-my-prompts,

HI! I hope that when my requests landed in your inbox (or gmail spam box, as they did my case) that you took a look and your first response was YAY! and not OH NO, WHAT THE HELL DID I SIGN UP FOR? Or maybe a combination of those two reactions? *g* Honestly though- write what's comfortable for you. I'm really easy- gen, het, slash, I'm not particularly picky when it comes to stories. I'm just happy to get a story in the fandoms I requested! I love UST, filled-in canon backstories, angsty/snarky, humor-filled gen/'ship stories, wall!sex, minor characters POV.... Ratings: G through NC-17, whatever you feel comfortable writing and fits the story.

1. BARE - I think this is the first Yuletide where BARE has been offered, and if we were matched up based on it, then I think I need to friend you after the big reveal, because I want to ramble about this little, obscure slashy off-Broadway play that closed, like... four years ago and there is no one around to do so with! :/ Truly sad.

Anyway, moving on- I'm sure you saw my prompts in the assignation email, and if any of them peak your interest, cool, and if you have an idea based on something else that's cool too. I'm especially partial to Peter/Jason, and I'm going out on a limb and assume that you are too, considering the play's main plotline. But if you're a gen person, then I would love fic that explores the friendship and dynamics between Peter, Jason, Nadia, Ivy, Matt, Lucas etc. while they're in their last year at St. Cecilia's. And my secret guilty pleasure... if you also watch the show Gossip Girl... *cough* a cross-over would be AWESOME. The only thing I'd prefer not to see is fic set after Jason's death, because ummm, the end of the play is depressing enough as is, and I prefer to focus on happier times. However! I do enjoy angst and AU version of the ending would be fun to see done in a fic.

2. Blood Diamond - BACKSTORY. FUTURE-FIC. Basically, I'd love anything that extends the storyline of the movie forward or back. In particular, I want to know more about Danny Archer and Maddy Bowen, more than the glimpses we saw in the film. Danny/Maddy is a plus if you move forward in time. I am also totally open to a re-interpretation of the ending in regards to Danny surviving. ;) The only stories I've read about Blood Diamond have been on ff.net, so I'm sure anything you'll come up will be miles better than then Danny/Mary Sue fic I've found so far.

3. Generation Kill - Dude, I'm ridiculously open to whatever you write for this fandom. Again, in my sign-up sheet I threw out a few scenarios but as always, they're more suggestions than instructions. There's a sad lack of Tony Espera and Doc Bryan in the GK fic I've read so far, so if you feel up to writing them that would be awesome. If not, like most fangirls, I'm a big fan of Brad Colbert and Nate Fick and more fic about them is always a good thing. Gen or slash (Colbert/Fick, Hasser/Garza) both float my boat. ;)

4. John Marsden - The Tomorrow Series - Okay. I really, REALLY would like some Lee fic from his POV so if you feel comfortable writing it, then that's my top request. Ellie/Lee, however messed up it may be (during or after the war) is my not-so-secret OTP. If you're not a Lee/Ellie fan, more of the group dynamic being explored during the war would be lovely.

May your plot bunnies breed like mad and I wish you the best of luck writing the story! I'm sure I'll love whatever you end up writing for me. Thank you!

~ amchara


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