Feb 08, 2005 19:25
the world needs more gentlemen....and not the kind that just act that way for sex....we need TRUE gentlemen...like the kind that open doors pull out chairs and just put ladies first......seriously.....is it that hard....is it so much to ask?...ive met one here...buuut hes just sooo not my type....i wish someone could be there for me like he is....and be more....me-ish.....
....god you are the perfect guy for me but we fight soo god damn much and just augggh.....i think...i dunno what i think....but yeah.....i want you + me....- the fighting...
i feel really down right now....i sware im like bipolar or something...or at least i am when i forget my pill...
wow im getting bitched at right now....what a great evening....hope everyone else's night is going better than mine....