Jan 22, 2006 22:23
So apparently I need to update but honestly what’s been going on lately isn’t all that interesting. I survived the first few weeks of classes. They are all cool classes but so involved. It’s getting a bit annoying. There is a lot of work to keep up with. We are still trying to sell our house. Our new one is beautiful and I am getting a little more excited about moving out there. I’m ready to have our house sold just because cleaning every day is getting old very fast. I’ve been very sick lately. My doctors really don’t know what’s wrong with me. I thought all the pain I was feeling was just kidney stones again but then I passed the stone and the pain got worse. I spent one night in the hospital last weekend and they pretty much said here’s some vicodin good luck. My doctor has sent me all around for tests and everything coming back good. She thinks it may be my gall bladder that’s causing all this pain and sickness but we are not sure yet. So one day next week I have more tests to check on the gall bladder. If it is that I’ll most likely have to have it removed. I guess its not too bad cause you don’t need it for anything and if that means I’ll feel better I’ll for sure do it. Hopefully I’ll get everything straightened out soon. I’m so ready to start feeling better I’ve been waddling around cause it hurts to walk and taking tons of pills for over a week now. I’m not feeling well enough to go out or really do anything besides trying to go to school. I can’t stand or walk for a long time because it hurts so much. Pretty much all that I’m doing is my homework and watching re-runs on TV. If anything exciting happens or if I end up having surgery or something else I’ll update. Until then I’m getting some sleep!