Dec 23, 2004 21:08
woahhhhhhhhh today i lost my wallet, found out my liscense is suspended and got a jury summons! woahhhhhhh but i also bought a 12 pack with my dad's money so like, worth it. probably its because i found some old adderall of my brother's and took the last two but today was the first day ever that i could talk to my cousin without freaking out and i actually made jokes! woahhh i'm feeling awesome even though i lost the bid on a zeppelin shirt. yo!! i found my old diary. quote: "my life sux my parents are making me come straight home from track to do stupid fucking shit like the dishes and i bet mop the floor or some stupid shit! god i really hate them. ughh ok gg dinner ps: bio midterm tomorrow! fuck!!" cheer up! i like, dont believe in getting upset woahh