Mar 21, 2005 02:13
i never had privite entrys b4 but now i do it is kindof cool its like the best and like now i have 7 4 of them have been since the last past few days yah i am so confused like i am starting to wonder who are my real friends and like y r they my friends and do they even know me like what is my favioit color, whens my b day what is my faviorit animial, or tv show, or sport,do they even know my name I feal so out of place here at summit and like it is so not fare i have to go here I want to go to Greenacers Christion I know a lot of people there and they are all crazy like me and they all like to dance like me and they probably know me better then my sposly bf do they know all these questions that i asked and they only knew me for one day they even know my favorite food I think that that is so messed up right there. so yah i gtg bye love you all lots