Aug 06, 2008 22:16
I got a text message last week that went something like this.
"This message is in regards to Ryan Waller. He passed away at 2:37 this morning. I hope he will be in your prayers and in your heart. Cathy Waller."
Mind you, the damn text message came from Ryan's phone. ~rolls eyes~
You have *GOT* to be kidding me, right? First of all, who the fuck sends a TEXT MESSAGE to inform someone of a death? Second of all, there's no mention of a service, no obituary in any newspaper, nationwide, no record with the Social Security office, nothing. All of these facts, by the way, were established with two simple online searches.
Then, as if this whole charade isn't lame enough, I get another message from some random chick named "Rachel" with a similar message.
"Don't know if you have heard yet or not, but Ryan Waller has passed away. His mother was suppose to get in touch with everyone that he was friends with and inform them.
Within a letter that he wrote he stated this,
"When the day comes, make sure someone lets Jami Rhodes know that I am gone, she'll be pissed if I die and don't tell her."
I wish I wasn't the one who had to tell you about this situation and in this way, but I'm keeping true to his wishes.
I'm sorry and may his memory remain in your heart.
-Rachel "
The language, phrasing and grammar are the same in both messages, suggesting they were written by the same person. Not to mention the fact that in "her" message, my freakin' name is misspelled, so "she" wouldn't have been able to find me that way. No, this person would have to know what I look like. Ryan doesn't have any pictures of me, so it would have to be someone who has actually seen me in person.
I was so infuriated I was tempted to respond, but eventually decided no response would be even more troublesome to him.
Personally, I'm waiting for that phone call in a few months where he tires to tell me the CIA had him fake his death or some other bullshit like that.
Ugh! Unbelievable!