Jul 21, 2005 02:47
hey guys.. ok i ralise its realy late but i am not tierd!!!!had quite a quiet day for once well apart from going to work cause you know that always sucks pants!!but i watched hitch tonight for the second time and i liked it this time!!!strange!!and i am thinking if i cant get to slepp i may read a book.yes thats right i said me and book in the same sentence lol!!also i didnt even have to read harry potter wooot emma did and i got her to tel me :-D its actually made me think i wont to read it.nah i lied i dont lolbut i can see for all harry potter lovers how it would be effective!!!oh and this is no joke j.k is ill at the moment aparrently so she might die before she can finish the rest of the books!!!!!!!!!!!!!i very much doubt it though!!!!!!also i am paid in 8 days yasssssssssss!! but i bet i am underpaid by like 100 quid or something!!!!!!i cant believe how much i !!!!!!! all the time lol well i am going to put more songs onto the comp! i also want to pitch the idea of people doing something 2morrow night i dunno wot yet but i haven seen u all in like a whole day!!!!!!lol