Jul 02, 2005 01:22
hey ther
just back fromt he pictures was very interesting!!!!!if aliens ever do invade us all we have to do is sneaze on them!!!!!!!!!went to see war of the worlds btw!!!!!!!!
i just realized i !!!!!!!!!!!an awful lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol i have just finished eating 2 packs of noodles and a bag of haribo mmmmmmmmmm i am such a munter i think am on the verge of hitting my fat days again!!!! every1 give love 2 steven scince bernie is gona kick his ass 4 breking the hand break!!!!!!!it was shineys fault(no u wernt there shinin but bernie wont be as mad if she thought it was you)also i have just had a brainwave ITS THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!!!!how weird! well i would like 2 say im off 2 bed but am nt i am taking full advantage of having the comp to myself(miss you loads emma x x x) ChRiStOpHeR