So it's been awhile, thus I feel slightly obligated to update the wonderful world on my boring doings.
Since I last posted: I graduated with my B.S.E in Mechanical and Material Science Engineering, I moved 300 miles away to a new state, and I started graduate school (going for a M.S. and PhD in Engineering Science). So yeah, see why I haven't posted in a while?
As far as fandom goes, my proclivities are as follows:
- Supernatural - My newest guilty pleasure (well, not too new, I've read SPN for awhile, but Wincest kinda squicked me, so not too much). Love the crack!fic coming out of that fandom. Particularly impressive SPNdom. Anything even close to ridiculous situations and/or conversations makes my day a little bit brighter. A certain individual (ahem...jujuberry136 ...ahem) just kept those cracky recs coming, and boy did she convert me.
- Big Bang Theory - This show is cracky on it's own, so as long as I stay away from the fics by authors intent on seriousing up something that really doesn't need to be, I'm good. I'm slightly in the Sheldon/Penny (see sheldon_penny ) ship, but my fave is gen in the fandom.
- Criminal Minds - Mostly casefic, but I'm pretty easy. Anything with a good plot or some funny situations is good with me. Also? AUs OMG. Because Matthew Gray Gubler is a hot hot man. Again, gen is my fave in this fandom, but the really nice stories with pairings are good too.
- Trek Reboot - Because that cast is amazing, so how can I not. Totally a Spock/Kirk OTPer here, but other stuff is good too. Love anything where Kirk makes an ass of himself (not sure there's any fic where he doesn't...), Uhura is the boys' confidante, the entire crew is disgruntled by Kirk's shenanigans, etc etc etc. Basics here: cute, funny, or sweet? Good with me.
- Pinto - I can't believe I'm actually admitting this, but I'm totally a RPF person now, but only on a limited basis confined to a certain pair of slightly lovable guys named Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine. Anything generally cute or featuring the whole Trek cast is awesome. AUs with the two of them are also awesome. In fact, they make me squee a ridiculous amount (but only to myself...OK and occasionally via email).
- SGA - Yes, I still read a fair amount of SGA, but sometimes it makes me sad. Mostly because it's OVER and it will never come back. Boo that. Loving the epicly lengthed AU listing, here. It's amazing, if you like SGA AUs and have not been, there then MOVE MOVE MOVE. If you thought you had read everything, I beg to disagree. Oh, and still the ultimate McShep OTP fangirl here. Love gen too and other occasional pairings, but McShep will always be my comfort!fic.
Oh and any Olympic AUs you may come across. Because the Olympics? Are my version of crack on a cracker with a side of crack.
So anyone who sees this and thinks of something I just HAVE to read, or they want me to read, please! COMMENT! REC! (See here's where the pleas come in.)
And now for the shameless advertising portion of today's programming:
I've had the distinct pleasure of betaing quite a few fics in the past year or so, which I will gratuitously link here, please read and comment!
- The Time Has Come To Be Gone by jujuberry136 ; CM/SPN, PG13, Gen Casefic written for the bau_bigbang , ~29K
- When You Are Done by jujuberry136 ; CM/SPN, PG13, Gen Casefic sequel to the above, ~27K
- Reciprocity byjujuberry136 ; CM/NCIS, PG13, Reid/Ziva, ~3K
- I Have No Comment on the Matter by jujuberry136 ; CM, PG13, Gen humor written for the cm_exchange , ~2.5K
- Trinity of One (A Tale of Love, Loss and Redemption) by helenkacan ; SGA, NC17, McShep, etc. written for sgabigbang , ~59K
And written FOR me for betaing her Big Bang piece:
Finally, what have I been working on? I'm actually writing! I know! Surprise! I'm writing a Pinto fic with the working title of yenta!Abrams, if that clues you in at all. I have a CM Olympics AU in the works (skijumper!Reid, I know I'm strange). A possible BBT plot bunny I've written about 200 words for. And some artworks for various causes.
So stay tuned!
Must go do math. Boo that.