Apr 21, 2006 20:06

I got attacked by a bee/yellow jacket/hornet/flying-yellow-insect-that-stings!!

It attached itself to my head and proceeded to try to burrow or nest or something in my hair! The guy that works with me is afraid of bees so he runs away. The girl walks up, whacks it with a tissue box and it lands on my ear. It's BUZZING IN MY EAR!! I tried so hard not to brush it away with my hands. Hiral *girl* whacked it again and it flew into one of the racks onto a print job.

it's still there.. lurking.. waiting to ATTACK!!!

It looks pretty beat up and it's not moving. poor thing. I don't know how to let it outside or anything. Maybe I can put it in an empty tissue box and take it outside...?

At least I didn't get stung and good thing I'm not allergic!

panic, lockwood, bees, psc

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