Well its NOT Bone Cancer

Aug 09, 2010 23:29

So thats good right?
Yea...that leg thing still hasn't gone away. I've gotten my back cracked numerous times and still can't walk right, not to mention the throbbing pain has a habit of waking me at night.

So I went to a doc in the box and got X-rayed and poked and prodded. He was rather worried because other than the pain and the limping...there's no swelling, no bruising, no rash, nothing on the outside to give a clue as to what it might be.

They were like....ermmm...you may have bone tumors.  That would explain alot of the symptons and the ones your missing.
Sad to say my first thought wasn't OMG! Not Cancer! Or, I'm to young to have cancer!
No, it was Damnit....now I'll never get into the air force.

I'm a retard somedays.

But X-rays showed theres nothing wrong with my bones so its back to heat pads and muscle relaxiants for me!

My money comes in soon. I think I may spoil myself and go to a spa or something. That would be like amazing. And maybe relax some of this shit.

Oh, we get kittens soon! Yay fuzzies.

tired, pets, fuck, air force

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