Keep Calm and Tweet a Cat

Nov 23, 2015 11:41

In the aftermath of the Paris shootings, the Belgian police held raids in Brussels last night. All public places were shut down and people were asked to stay indoors and away from windows. Authorities also asked not to tweet about the raids, so people started to tweet cat pictures, instead. I have no idea how it started but soon the hashtag #BrusselsLockDown was a worldwide toptrend on twitter. In spite of the tragic background of the story I have to confess I haven't laughed so much in a long time. The Belgians are brilliant!!

Judi Sutherland ‏@judi_sutherland
Keep Calm and Tweet a Cat. #BrusselsLockdown

KaVa ‏@KaatVanseer
High five for twitter. #BrusselsLockdown

Wendy Carrara ‏@wcarrara
#BrusselsLockdown supporting Belgian Police. We're stronger than we think! #Brave

Roselyne Marot ‏@roselyne777
#BrusselsLockdown Everyone is asked to stay hidden until it's over. True fact: No school tomorrow.

MC Casal ‏@mccasal
Looking for terrorists in the right place #BrusselsLockdown

O. 月食 (オリガ) ☯ ☮ ‏@OlgitosK_
Suspicious eyes spotted. #BrusselsLockdown

Harry Boone ‏@towersight
Major police operation underway in #BrusselsLockdown

peter vens ‏@snevretep
shush I'm spying #BrusselsLockdown

Paul Williams ‏@pcwilliams
People tweeting cat pics to help police in swamping #BrusselsLockdown feed. Brilliant. Here's my contribution.

starflyergold ‏@starflyergold
BRU Airport operations are normal #BrusselsLockdown

Frédéric Lallemand ‏@threadelric
Impayables ces belges ;) #Bruxelles #BrusselsLockdown

Amelie Ketoff ‏@AmelieKetoff
On va enfin pourvoir lire tranquille #BrusselsLockdown

Steve ‏@Towerbeach

Sidar Ok ‏@sidarok Belgium
Residents are warned to stay away from windows #brusselslockdown

Gregory Pichet ‏@BretonDeParis
Tintin arrive !! #BrusselsLockdown

And this is how the Belgian police responded this morning. Brilliant!

Federale Politie ‏@FedPol_pers
Voor de katten die ons gisteren geholpen hebben... Alsjeblieft! #BrusselsLockdown
(Translated from Dutch: For the cats who have helped us yesterday ... Please! #BrusselsLockdown)

This being Belgium, the same tweet was posted in French, of course!

twitter, cats

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