Are you racist? Brought to you by the good folks at
How WHITE are you? Brought to you by the good folks at
How BLACK are you? Brought to you by the good folks at
How MEXICAN are you? Brought to you by the good folks at
How ASIAN are you? Brought to you by the good folks at
How FAT are you? Brought to you by the good folks at
I woke up at 8:30 this am. My Uncle Hurtis is in town from Mississippi. It's great. Lass night we were watching the osborns and ozzy was kissing all the guys, him and my dad were so disgusted. And earlier today he called my brother a nigger. oh it's great! The hick in all of us is gunna come out this week. They went to the store and he's gunna make us some POOR BOYS tonight. omg mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm He's a hella good cook. I think Adam should come over and listen to my dad and my uncle talk cuz he will be soooo fuckin confused. He can't understand my dad half the time wait till he heres my uncle. hahaha
My dad is gunna take me to school at 1:30 and then Ima take the bus to ashlee's house then EVERYONE is going to her house. Today is her b-day. And her mom is fucken buying 8 movie tickets and we're gunna get loaded on balls. Shane said he was gunna buy Ashlee some weed so we'll be fucken high.
Shane and Ernie cleaned Ashlee and Tori's room. It's so weird seeing thier rooms clean. Me and Ashlee were talkin to her mom and we were talking about how we wanna clean out Steve's room and re-do and make it out chill room. We were like "yeah and we can smoke in there and get a mini fridge we'll put the computer up there and have a tv with dvd WELL NEVER LEAVE THAT ROOM!" and ashlee's mom is gunna let us go crazy and decorate that room. It's gunna be great.