♠ A is for age: 28...old lol
♠ B is for beer of choice: Corona, Bud Lite, Bud Lite Lime...
♠ C is for career right now: MAC Artist
♠ D is for your dog's name: Daphney
♠ E is for essential item you use everyday: my pillow
♠ F is for favorite TV shows: LOST, GH, medium, House, Chuck, Simpsons, South Park, Venture Bros, Desperate Housewives, the list goes on and on...
♠ G is for favorite game: cubes on my phone
♠ H is for Hometown: Bloomington, California
♠ I is for instruments you "play": my voice? lol...I can't play anything...I even suck at guitar hero...
♠ J is for favorite juice: Pineapple
♠ K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: ...
♠ L is for last place you ate: my bedroom...a BLT from Subway yum!
♠ M is for marriage: Not yet
♠ N is for your middle Name: Just
♠O is for overnight hospital stay: Been awhile *knocks on wood*
♠ P is for people you were with today: My wonderful family and BF
♠ Q is for quote: Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~Dr. Suess
♠ R is for Biggest Regret: no regrets, just life lessons.
♠ S is for Sex: is good
♠ T is for what time you woke up today: 8:30am
♠ U is for underwear you have on now: Lime green colored
♠ V is for vegetable you love: Broccoli! and only broccoli!
♠ W is for worst habits: being lazy/lethargic, bitching and moaning too much...
♠ X is for x-rays you've had: leg, stomach, chest, teeth, hands, pretty much everywhere lol...but it's been awhile *knocks on wood again*
♠ Y is for something yummy you ate today: Dragon House and Subway yummy
♠ Z is for zodiac sign: Pisces