Whoa, okay, have I not posted on my LJ in like, months? Because I've been a buttload busy, know what I mean? And May is going to be hecka stressful. I've been writing essay after essay. People say sophmore year is when you write a lot of persuasive essays. Sigh.
Anyway, I don't feel like complaining because I have homework that's due tomorrow (I know, I'm homeschooled and I have homework. It's because I'm such a procrastinator). So I'll just leave you with drabbles. I wrote them the other day as a writing exercise and a cheer-upper after watching Titanic for the first time. That movie is so sad, I just cried my eyes out. ;)
Title: Unconventional
Pairing: LinkxZelda
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own Nintendo, thus do not own Legend of Zelda. Nifty, huh? (Yeah, right.)
Summary: Five 100-word ZeLink drabbles all loosely based around the theme of Link’s heroics, traditional or not.
Author's Note: This was a writing exercise I did to get my brainstorming juices working in the "present tense" style. I was aiming for conciseness- about one hundred words per each. Constructive criticism is welcome.
1. A young, blond man sits in the corner of the library. He is the Chosen Hero and the newly assigned Protector of the Princess of Hyrule. He sits, bored, waiting for the Princess to finish her book.
In the past, Link of Ordon has discovered much about the reigning monarch. One thing he’s learned, which he knows shouldn’t surprise him but nonetheless does, is that Zelda is just another young woman who needs her fill of romance novels. And Link finds that he likes that.
So even though he is bored out of his wits, he doesn’t mind. She’s just an ordinary young woman, and he is just an ordinary young man.
2. Attitude. Zelda finds she has a problem with Link. He’s surefire and cocky, which actually serves him quite well during a battle. Off the battlefield, however, it could somewhat be a problem.
Zelda is convinced that Link’s attitude is the reason why he was able to dispose of Ganondorf so quickly, but it is also the reason of her infuriation with the man. But underneath her sometimes-annoyance with Link, Zelda will admit to herself that she finds that maddening cockiness a bit attractive.
She tries her best to ignore it, but unfortunately, her efforts are in vain. She can’t deny she feels something towards that exasperating hero- and Zelda is almost certain he feels something in return.
3. Zelda reclines in the sun, reveling in its warmth. She pretends she is carefree today. She lounges by the shore of Lake Hylia, where beauty is at its peak, pretending she is a normal woman with a normal life.
But unnerving Council meetings flood her mind, laws find their way into her thoughts, and small worries disturb her otherwise pleasant day. Then, Link joins her. As he sits down next to her, he gives her a small but genuine smile that tells her he’s glad they can share the day together.
Zelda grins at him, her heart suddenly lighter. And she realizes that she does not need to pretend she is carefree anymore. She is.
4. Zelda rushes out to the garden in the dark, cold night. She falls, sobbing, to the ground, her face in her hands. Concerned, Link follows; he is ever the watchful guardian.
He knows she’s just learned that she must choose someone to marry within the next month or the Council will choose a husband for her. His heart breaks for her, and he knows he would give her everything he has in a second if only to stop the tears that crash down.
So he goes to where she kneels and offers all he has. She looks up and smiles. It is enough, and he has also succeeded in stopping her tears.
5. Link’s eyes follow his wife across the room. She looked weary from her day with the Council, and he finds he has a new mission to complete for his Princess.
As she pulls off her slip to change into her nightgown, he leans back on the bed and sighs melodramatically. He can’t resist teasing and casually remarks, “You know, Zel’, sometimes I get these déjà vu’s.” She raises one eyebrow amusedly in his direction, silently inquiring as to why he was telling her this. She begins brushing her long hair out of its elaborate hairstyle.
He grins at her, eyes twinkling with mirth, “Maybe we’ll both have a little déjà vu of last night.” He only gets a pillow chucked in his direction before he hears her laughter. Mission completed.