May 05, 2009 11:16
I've had the same dream, or at least dreamed about the same place, at least twice now and it bugs the crap out of me. Fantasy/sci-fi readers and movie buffs, did I imagine this place or did someone else?
It starts out as "someone found it!" and a mad, childish rush to a grate, or a sewer covered in construction, in this case it's an open rain dump half covered in cardboard sheeting.
The kid actually skate boards into the thing, and doesn't make a sound when he lands. We all rush over and freak out, and he tells us this is as far as he'll go down there, that he's been staking it out for days, and we don't pay him enough. He's been kipping on what used to be a computer chair that's floating in... water? Greasy, thick water. Our guide, or ring leader, or something jumps in first, avoiding the chair, and we follow suit.
ONe of the girls instantly loses her footing and falls in over her head, she comes up gasping and retching, she's covered in the greasy bile. It smells AWFUL and you can't get it in your eyes or your mouth. I put my hand out and start playing with some refuse I found... it used to be a make up kit, one of the cheap clear plastic jobs with individually packaged eye brow and lip stuffs, but as I touch it, the bag discintigrates, and all the pieces go floating away.
Our leader starts explaining about the water, about keeping up at her pace, and shows us a glowing balloon half filled with liquid. This is our beacon. It'll keep us afloat and light our way. We each get one and tie it around our wrist. More balloons are handed out for balance, and we ZOOOM through there. This is a place for the vagabond and street thugs that 'top side' society fears and rejects. After we ran through the tunnel we come to sort of a bay, people have built docks or something over the sludge, then past that it actually leads up to dry land and into a sort of market place/tavern, where I swear I saw Marv from Sin City (even though the mythos says hes dead) and some faces that I recognized in the dream but can't recall now.
IT all opens out into an Italian resturant which my dreaming mind remembers can actually be accessed 'legally' from top side, from some weird country who's king kidnapped me into becoming their Queen (I don't know. It made sense at the time) he's this tiny tom thumb of a man and dressed like a 17th cent. spainard.
Then some stuff with my family and scantily clad male dancers which I think was my brain's way of decomplressing... but yeah.
THAT place, the underground disgustingly vile water-opens-into-vagabond-traveler place where to get there you need glowing balloons? I seen it before.
Did I make this up?
The only other time I've had serial dreams like this was the underwater cat people. And i know that was wholey original. no one else is crazy enough to make that up but me.