So I woke up Tuesday with a crick in my neck. It progressed Into a pulled muscle that started behind my ear and wrapped around to the front of my throat making swallowing difficult.
I took some advil and went to bed. It was a crappy thing but other than not being able to turn my head I was fine. When I woke up today though it felt like all the muscles in my neck and chest plate had seized up. Taking a breath hurt. Swallowing hurt. Coughing or laughing was agonizing. Touching the area with the slightest bit of pressure was painful. So I took two advil and four neurontin. My prescription says two, but I hurt so bad. The drive home was... Interesting. I pulled over in Kent for some water and half way to the bathroom my vision went silvery and negative imagey. I was so tired I could have fell asleep driving with no problem. Guess I won't do that again.
I got home and immediately threw up my drink and some ibprofen I'd taken. I've thrown up three times tonight. The muscle tighteness has extended to my ribs. I breathe in shallow breaths and if I bend over I can't breathe at all. I'm going to the clinic tomorrow. But this absolutely sucks
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