Title: The (Nosy) Neighbourly Thing
happy_overdoseFanfic Type: Fluff
Summary: Puck and Mercedes' neighbour doen't get their relationship. But she does love watching it. Puckcedes
Now this is my Entry for
ambitousproject for Fluff! I'm sure there is going to have another entry.
Celeste, their right side neighbor, called them The Hostiles, instead of the Jones-Puckermans, mostly because that reminded her of the Barker Finches from that British comedy show. The Hostiles fit them better, especially since they argued all the time.
For some reason, however, she didn’t think they noticed how much petty arguments they had, especially since five minutes later they would be kissing and all lovey dovey on the back porch.
She didn’t understand how their relationship worked. The wife went to her church and she knew the husband attended temple with his mother. She knew for a fact the wife didn’t like Heavy Metal, Rock or Alternative (she didn’t seem the type) but the husband blasted it in the house all the time. The wife looked like a stereotypical black woman who had a powerful soulful singing voice (she knew this from church) and a penchant for stylish weaves and stylish clothes and a stylish attitude. The husband was a rocker bad boy with jeans and tight grey t shirts and aviators and they… clashed phenomenally.
And their children!
Now Gabe was obviously not the wife’s biological son, but he might as well be. He talked like her. He acted like her. He had the voice (but it made sense since his father could carry a tune too). He was her baby duck, basically. Now the twins, Ruthie and Naomi were their dad’s kids. Athletic, attitudinal, seven-year-old rocker chicks. They played guitar and drums and clipped colourful extensions in their hair. And the way they dressed! Leather jackets with ripped minis and sneakers? Really?
Sometimes she would listen to the conversations from her dining room windows and wondered why there wasn’t anarchy going on next door.
“All I’m saying is that if Rachel wants to save her kids the embarrassment, maybe she should get them the family discount.”
“What family discount?”
There was a small bit of silence.
“…You’re stupid.”
“Come on, Jones, that kid’s nose is huge!”
“Maybe. But he’s gonna grow out of it. Give him a few years. And you know Rachel didn’t get her nose done.”
“So why does it look like it went to Jenny Craig?”
“It’s called contouring. You can do it with foundation and a brush.”
“That’s what you do?”
“I will throw this cake in your face.”
“Ruth-Ann Puckerman, you take up this skateboard and put it in your room!”
“Mom, that’s Dad’s skateboard.”
“Oh, Lord…PUCK!”
“Why did I even marry you?”
“”Cause I’m hot. And I take out the trash.”
“I want a divorce, Puck!”
“If you guys get divorced, can me and Naomi have a cool stepdad?”
“One that would let us get our ears pierced as much as we want?”
“I hate it when they scold us in stereo.”
“Okay, will you take divorce off the table if I get rid of the skateboard?”
“I dunno try it and we’ll see.”
“No way Mama! I don’t even know why you’re asking me! You know I’ll say no!”
“Come on Puck, they love you.”
“They’re teenagers!”
“You like teenagers.”
“Correction, I like Gabe, ‘cause he’s my son and therefore he’s cool.”
“What’s so bad? You’ll have your kids as a backing band, your loving wife doing badass harmonies, and the guys from Glee in the front row! You won’t even have to look at the kids if you don’t want to!”
“It’s our old high school, Jones; you really wanna go back there?”
“Oh I forgot for a minute the slushie facials and dumpster dives. And most of that was done to me and my friends. Why did I marry you again?”
“’Cause I’m hot, you’re in love with me and my kids and you took pity on me when you realized I can’t live without you.”
A pause.
“…How do you do that? Make perfect little sentences out of thin air?”
“I have a hot, sexy diva as a muse. I love you.”
“I love you. And you’re doing it.”
Celeste couldn’t understand her next door neighbours. They didn’t make any sense to her. Not that she was in a position to judge.
“Lesty! Do you want extra cheese on your half of the pizza?”
Celeste smiled. She had met her husband John forty seven years ago on a playground in Lima. They went through broken bones, stolen cars, pranks, teenage pregnancy, marriage to the wrong people, burning buildings and a few years in the US Army before finding each other. And through all that, they had to deal with the fact that her father married his mother for the majority of those years after they had both divorced John’s father and Celeste’s mother.
She turned away from the window and the wonderfully entertaining neighbours and walked towards the living room where the love of her life and father of her daughter was ordering dinner.
“Lesty stop watching the neighbours and tell me if you want extra cheese!”
She rolled her eyes, “Coming!”