Mar 03, 2008 23:38
"The world has become stale and insipid, the ships ought to be all captured, and the cities battered down, and the world burned up, so that we can start again. There would be fun in that. Some interest,-something to talk about."
- As printed in the New York Journal of Commerce
Despite the other opportunities that have presented themselves, I believe I will continue to devote myself to intellectual pursuits at the university. It may not be as dramatic as my past endeavors, but I've come to realize that it is the most rewarding use of my time. I'll be acting as head of the philosophy department and instructing classes as such, as well as engaging in my own research.
I took a walk through town this evening to take stock of the recent changes. Hopefully my eyes are not decieving me, but...I believe we have an opera house.
I am quite glad that my office is no longer destroyed. I had fond memories of that office.