weeeeeeeeeee. so Kat Von D has her own make up line at Sephora!! thought you might be interested in that Katelyn!
http://www.sephora.com/browse/brand_hierarchy.jhtml;jsessionid=BVF4FW53BS0KKCV0KQTRXCQ?brandId=Kat+Von+D pretty sweet.
oh and since I am not to good with posting lj type links and frankly i don't really care I am just going to tell you that I found this really cool community called Findelphia or something like that. Has HIM/Dudesons/Bam/Kat Von D and all that crap. so you can check it out on my friends or in my profile that lists all of my friends and communities!! yay!
oh and lee's new name is 'Gash Face' HAHA!!