Why can't it be nice out? I want to ride around in Megan's convertible with the top down. Oh, spring, how you tease.
I've been studying for mythology all day and my brain is mush and full of stories about crazy and homosexual Greeks and their crazy and homosexual Gods. Hope the test tomorrow goes well. Wish me luck!
Yesterday was fun. Due to my own procrastination (and some procrastination that was not related to me) I had to wake up early and luckily Mr. Crowns filled out my other copy of the scholarship application and I got it postmarked by the due date of March 1. February is so tricky, with its only 28 days. It lulls you into a false sense of security, thinking the begininning of March is waaay off, and then BAM! There it is.
Megan and I hung out on Friday night and Saturday. We went to Blue Bay and then checked out British universities and apartments/flats online, just to see price ranges. Dear Lord, this is going to be an expensive journey. But one definitely worth undertaking.
After work on Saturday, Megan and I went to Hawthorn with Devens and did some fruitless browsing. Then, after we eventually located the car (it was upstairs and we were not), we dropped her off and headed to Blue Bay for a nice dinner of soup and the crappy bread/cracker basket ("They must not know we're regulars," Megan decided). Then we went to Blockbuster to rent
My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but they didn't have it. What happened to the Blockbuster guarantee, if we don't have it it's free? HUH? First you overcharge me w/the damn coupon that I ASKED you about, then you don't have the movie we wanted. Arg. But we got
Igby Goes Down, which was really good but also depressing.
By the time Megan drove me home, I was so exhausted I just about passed out before I laid down on my bed. I got < 5 hours of sleep on Friday night/Saturday morning, and I wasn't tired at work, but then BAM! It hit me in the evening.
I slept til 11:00 today. Total bum. Except, strangely, the rest of the family slept until then, too. I could have slept later, but not once the rest of the them are awake and talking and walking around and being all loud.
I tried to win
A Hard Day's Night and a Beatles poster from 104.3, but I was caller #4 twice and they wanted #7. And now it's over. The contest was to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first airplay of the Beatles in America (right here in Chicago, baby!). They were playing Beatles double plays all weekend. Ah, Beatles. How I love thee.
Now that it's March, I suppose I should change my layout colors and icon. Hmm... what's appropriate for March.
This could take a while.