Nineteen years ago today, my mother and father welcomed me into the world.
It’s hard to believe. And now I’m nineteen years old. 19.
Boy, that’s going to take some getting used to.
I watched
Bridget Jones’s Diary again, which makes me want to a) be faithful to an actual diary (no offense, LJ), and b) move to England. The latter of which I’m totally looking forward to after college. Me and Megan in the Land of Eng. Woo-hoo!
I’m so totally getting a job this week. There’s a job fair at CLC on Thursday, and I’m going with Nicole. Nicole. Yeah, I didn’t much like her present much. See, she called around 3 and was like, “Are you doing anything?” And I said “No,” so she came over. She talked (she apologized for totally forgetting my birthday) and we caught up, then I was going to drive her downtown because she was supposed to meet her friend there. But Mom and Grandma were off in the Sidekick, and I couldn’t find my keys (they were in the kitchen, no clue how they got there). So she asked me to walk with her, and unable to think of a reason not to, I did. Except I didn’t tie my big black boot-shoes tightly - just slipped into them - and ended up getting them caught in the train tracks, which made me trip and fall. Now my left hand is totally scraped up, as is my right knee. Both hurt like all hell. And the worst part is, they’ll be more painful tomorrow.
I got some cool presents, but my cake (though chocolate like I requested) was too sweet. I got a purse/organizer thing, a pair of fuzzy pajamas (which I’m currently wearing), a Blue Jean Machine BeDazzler, a pink sweater, a black sweater, a pair of gloves, a black shirt, 4 nicely-scented candles, and, from Megan, a Spongebob Journal. Plus, I got balloons, pretty helium ones. And cards. And hugs and good wishes and online birthday greetings.
Can’t believe the day’s almost over, though. I did ditch Precalculus tonight, I admit, but I doubt I could have walked from the parking lot to the classroom, not to mention using my battered leg to drive there. Honestly, why must I be such a klutz?
I did post chapter 2 of
A Call to Bear Arms, which has been sitting on my Mac here for quite a long time. And on the novel front, I haven’t written a thing. I think I’m going to give it up. I’m just not in the writing mood this month, and it’s pointless to try to force myself to write if I don’t want to.
Anyway, I’m going to go to sleep. Despite the cake and the Vanilla Coke I had with my delicious dinner (courtesy of Grandma & Mom - thanks!), I’m tired.
Plus, my leg, hand, arm muscle, and back hurt. And typing is really hard with an injured hand.