Jan 04, 2007 00:27
here's some more translation. yay!
V Mačjem mestu imajo same mačje stvari in predvsem nobenega psa. Če pa se že kakšen prikaže, mora imeti nagobčnik. Ker psi ne marajo nagobčnikov, ne hodijo v Mačje mesto. Zato se po Glavni ulici sprehajajo samo mački in mačke. Hodijo na Mačje trg, kjer pri brkatem Marku kupujejo ribe iz mačjega morja.
Sredi trga stoji mačja občina. Tam uraduje mačji župan, ki mu pravijo Veliki maček. Kadar stopi na balkon, ga vsi mački na trgu pozdravijo. Veliki maček jim zmeraj sporoči kakšno prijetno novico. Včasih jim reče:
>>V nedeljo popoldne bo v mačjem parku velika tombola. Glavni dobitek je maček v žaklju.<<
Ali pa pravi:
>>Danes ob treh bodo v Velikem drevoredu mišje motorne dirke. Občinstvo prosimo, naj ne poje temovalcev.<<
Tako so dnevi v Mačjem mestu zelo veseli in čisto po mačjem okusu.
Maček Muri stanuje v Vrtni ulici, v stari hiši na robu veselga mesta. Zdaj ga ni doma, ker koraka po Glavni ulici proti Mačjemu trgu. Hotel je kupiti ribe, vendar si je premislil in bo raje kosil v gostilni PRI ČRNEM MAČKU. Da mu ne bo dolgčas, je sklenil, da bo na kosilo povabil prijateljico muco Maco. Ker stanuje Maca na drugem koncu mesta, ji mora Muri telefonirati.
In Cat city, they have only cat things, and absolutly no dogs at all. If a dog shows up, he must have a muzzle. Because dogs don't care for muzzles, they don't walk in cat city. Therefore, only cats go walking on Main street, or strolling on through Cat Market where they can buy fish from Marky Whiskers that comes from the cat sea.
In the middle of the market stands the cat municipality. There is the office of the cat Mayor, who they call Big Cat. When he steps on the balcony, all the cats in the market greet him. Big Cat always reports to them the good news. He tells them:
"On sunday afternoon will be a big game of bingo in car park. The main prize is a cat in a bag."
Or he would say:
"Today at three o'clock in the Big Tree will be a mouse on motorcycle race. The municipality asks, there shouldn't be any eating of the racers."
So, every day in Cat city there is much joy, and everything is done to cat's tastes.
Maček Muri lives on Garden street, in the old house on the edge of town. He isn't home now, because he is walking along Main street, towards Cat market. He wanted to buy fish, but changed his mind and decided he'd rather eat at the Inn of the Black Cat. He decided to invite his friend, Muca Maca to lunch, so he wouldn't be bored. But because Maca lives on the other side of town, Muri must call her on the telephone.