Jan 01, 2006 19:56
and this brings the close to a week full of business. new years.
it was a nice party. just a few of us. dinner, dancing, movies, laughing. thats a pretty concretely good party, if you ask me. ofcourse, no party is exactly complete without the extreemly hilarious game known as cherades (damn, i think that's more french...). when everyone is told to write down 5 different things to be cheraded, and that group of people are rather tired, and not entirely inspired towards coming up with hilarious suggestions, you actually get a really great game of cherades. we had it all, from 'brain salad surgery' to 'tea with a lot of masala.' granted, 'tea with a lot of masala' turned out to be the most talked about, as it was, well, the hardest to do. it got even better the longer into the game we went, the harder it was for each individual to remember which topics they put into the hat. we had atleast one person guess for her own suggestions atleast twice.
'i will survive!'
'sheila, you're the one who wrote that!'
'i was?'
'umm, this is your hand writing, isn't it?'
'sure looks like it.'
post middle night, we found a j.j. taco on the couch. she had managed to curl herself up into a blanket, all wrapped up, looking much like a taco. forks managed to fall to the floor on more than 8 occasions. and we found that lara's feet are half the size of my own.
oh, and, if you ever find ourself walking down the streets of ljubljana, and you happen to shout, 'invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants!' do not be suprized if someone shouts back, 'the pants command me! do not deny my veins!'
that's right, i showed them all the glory that is zim.
it is good.
all in all, one very nice little party.