Lawyers sure are expensive. Maybe I should consider marrying one.
My days have started merging into a big ball of 'one' again. It's back to life in a space continuum of no dates, days or time. Most days I have to check the 'app' on my iphone to figure out what date and day of the week it is. Quite sad.
B goes back to work tomorrow. He left Sumo right before he came out to Hawai'i and so has been on vacation for 20 odd days. Tomorrow the meetings start and life for him resumes to just about where it left off, only bigger and much better.
I wonder how our 'new' relationship will adjust to it. As it is the 4-hour time difference isn't much of a help --- although I never knew how much it bothered him until he sent me a 'fb' message a couple of days ago. Facebook because of the fear that a text might wake me. It simply said:
Brent Sullivan January 17 at 6:30am
I don't like how the first thing you can do is say 'good morning' to me and how I have to wait for it so I don't wake you up....anyways... 'good morning'!!! Hope you have a great day!! Miss you! Love you!
Sent via Facebook Mobile
I didn't get it at first. My A.D.D brain does not do well with long sentences that have no grammatical breaks. He complains that he gets the short-end of the stick in regards to the 'time' issue because even though he wakes up at 8 a.m. central time, he has to wait a good 4 or 5 hours before he even hears a 'good morning' from me. Of course I can also complain that I never get a 'good night' right before I go to sleep because we usually say our goodnight's when he goes to bed, 4 hours earlier.
Oh, how the little things matter so much more in long distance relationships. I wish I didnt have this legal matter hanging over my head so that I could at least set a 'date' for my Kansas City trip. Countdown calendars always make going through the day-to-day routine so much easier. You would really think that after 4 whole years of ding-ing and dong-ing the hard part would be over.
I can't believe I wanted a big, impersonal wedding once upon a time.
Not anymore.